
Oil-Free Hydrating Gel


The Oil-Free Hydrating Gel absorbs quickly, leaving skin feeling cool and refreshed while hydrating it for up to 10 hours:

- Clinically tested for skin irritancy and allergy
- Suitable for sensitive skin
- Oil- and fragrance-free
- Non-comedognic (will not clog pores)
- Hypoallergenic

Key Ingredients
- Dimethicone is a conditioner that improves the appearance of skin by helping it look softer and smoother. It also is an emollient that helps maintain the soft, smooth and supple appearance of the skin.
- Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract) is an antioxidant. Known as free-radical scavengers, antioxidants are included in products to help protect the skin from the effects of free radicals generated by the environment. It also is a soothing agent known for its calming and soothing properties.


  • 概观
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  • 主要成分
  • 如何运作
温度、湿度、年龄和荷尔蒙等因素会破坏皮肤的水分平衡。 专家建议为所有肤质’s 提供最佳保湿,让皮肤柔软、光滑和年轻。 Mary Kay® Oil-Free Hydrating Gel是一款不油腻的轻质凝胶,可快速吸收,让肌肤感觉凉爽清爽,同时保湿长达 10 小时。 它含有以镇静和舒缓特性而闻名的绿茶提取物。
聚二甲基硅氧烷是一种护肤剂,可帮助皮肤看起来更柔软光滑,从而改善皮肤。 它还是一种润肤剂,有助于保持皮肤柔软、光滑和柔软。
绿茶(Camellia Sinensis 叶提取物)是一种抗氧化剂。 被称为自由基清除剂的抗氧化剂包含在产品中,以帮助保护皮肤免受环境产生的自由基的影响。 它还是一种舒缓剂,以其镇静和舒缓的特性而闻名。